Add Image Upscaling via AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution or NVIDIA Image Scaling to SteamVR games
翻译 - 将 FidelityFX SuperResolution 添加到 SteamVR 游戏
Validação de CPF, CNPJ, CNH, NIS, DDD, Título Eleitoral e Cartão Nacional de Saúde com Laravel.
Pacote Python para validação de documentos brasileiros.
Biblioteca de validação de documentos pessoais do Brasil com suporte a CPF, CNPJ (numérico e alfanumérico), Título Eleitoral, PIS/PASEP, CNH, Processos Judiciais, Protocolo Unificado do Governo Federa...
Select authentication and indentity profile to use on the system.
#区块链#Python client for NEM NIS API ( XEM\NEM\Crypto
This repository is dedicated to providing resources, information, and tools related to the NIS2 Directive, a European Union regulation aimed at improving the security of network and information system...
WebNIS - NIS is alive Jim, but not as we know it. REST server and libpam / libnss clients.
#算法刷题#blake2b & md5 based registration and login in PHP to show a secure hashed password.
Sensor Fusion: Unscented Kalman Filter, LiDAR&RADAR
Yet another /enis/ implementation, an electronic school journal/diary for NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools).
🏎️ Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Localization Project using C++ and Eigen library for the Self-Driving Car Nanodegree at Udacity