A Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer using the DXVK backend. [Upstreamed to DXVK]
翻译 - 使用DXVK后端的Direct3D9到Vulkan层。
Build Gallium Nine support on top of an existing WINE installation
Gallium Nine Standalone
翻译 - 镓九独立
three, six and nine (369) 🌌
NINE Slice scaling math
A serverless 9gag API hosted on Amazon using AWS Lambda and API Gateway
JuneNine is a project to create an UI for an specific event on that date 🙂
#IOS#You can use it as a kit or demo!
#安卓#九宫格手势锁View,Android phone pattern lock screen
#安卓#Multiple image in a single ImageView via layerlist