#学习与技能提升#🎓 List of Udacity Nanodegree programs with links to the free courses in their curricula
翻译 - :mortar_board:Udacity纳米学位课程列表,其课程中包含免费课程的链接
#计算机科学#Nanodegree programs https://www.udacity.com/nanodegree
#安卓#Project 3 - Google Udacity India Scholars 2018, Android Developer Nanodegree.
A complete browser-based card matching game (also known as Concentration)
This repository contains projects for Udacity's Predictive Analytics for Business Nanodegree
#安卓#Project 4 - Google Udacity India Scholars 2018, Android Developer Nanodegree.
Would You Rather - React & Redux Nanodegree Second Project. Login User, Register New User, View Answered & Unanswered Poll, Participate in Poll Voting, View Rank in Leaderboard, Route Protection, Rout...
This repository contains projects for Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree
This repository contains my work from the Udacity AI Nanodegree
This repository contains projects for Udacity's Data Scientist Nanodegree
#区块链#Project 2 in Udacitys "Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program"
Udacity & Google Nanodegree Mobile Web Specialist Track
#自然语言处理#Project Solutions for Udacity Nanodegree Programs: NLP, CV, DL, RL, AI, AI for Trading
#安卓#Android Basic Nanodegree (ABND) Single Screen App Project - Submitted and Reviewed
The people counter application will demonstrate how to create a smart video IoT solution using Intel® hardware and software tools. The app will detect people in a designated area, providing the number...
Kaiser Permanente is a mobile app that helps patients improve satisfaction and wellbeing.
Basic python codes meant to help in learning python or programming in general.
Mini Library from skecth to manage neural networks