📲 A web chat application. Vue + node(koa2) + Mysql + socket.io
翻译 - :calling:一个网络聊天应用程序。前端:vue + vuex + vue-cli + vue-router + axios + scss;后端:node(koa2)+ mysql + JWT;套接字
Rain ID generator is a distributed ID generation system, easy to use, high performance, high availability. Segmented mode and snowflake algorithm mode are provided
Transport Automation System to automate the transportation
FinFinder adalah aplikasi web inovatif yang dirancang untuk komunitas nelayan dengan menyediakan peta interaktif untuk melihat lokasi potensial penangkapan ikan
Kumpulan challenge yang saya kerjakan selama mengikuti bootcamp Binar Academy
It allows businesses to sell products or services online through a website or mobile application. It typically includes features such as product catalogs, shopping carts, and order management systems ...
A quick little FS App w MySQL, Express, React + Node - Built w Vite
This is an android app that can be used to store personal short notes/ reminders
📡 API Restful para compras e venda de produtos no aplicativo DELIVERYWX
Monolith Spring Boot Application of Recipe Project for udemy course "Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru"