More than a ReClass port to the .NET platform.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Memory Forensics for DFIR A high speed (Gbps) Forensics, Memory integrity & assurance. Includes offensive & defensive memory capabilities. Find/Extract processes, hypervisors (including nested) in memory dumps u...
Allows you to quickly query a Windows machine for RAM artifacts
An automatically testing and analysis hprof library for android app (自动分析Android内存泄漏)
Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming Ecosystem: Profiling and Debugging Tools
Find memory leaks in Linux and macOS applications
Process heap analysis framework - Windows/Linux - record type inference and forensics
Scans game processes for most likely entity list addresses
Measure stack usage in Linux and macOS applications
Live memory analysis detecting malware IOCs in processes, modules, handles, tokens, threads, .NET assemblies, memory address space and environment variables. Dumps, detects and dissasemble hooks, shel...
PatternScan library for internal and external pattern scan
A Speculation-Aware Collaborative Dependence Analysis Framework
pwn & ctf tools for windows
C++ wrapper around /proc/self/maps