电影推荐系统(Movie Recommendation System,后端:Spring Boot + Spring Security + Spring Task + Redis + MyBatis-Plus)前后端分离项目
#IOS#an intelligent local data healthcare application for tongue diagnosis aid.
#计算机科学#A simple movie recommendation api using apache mahout machine learning library.
SpringBoot + Apache Mahout 推荐引擎 基于用户评分数据推荐相关电影
Accompanying code examples for Apache Mahout: Beyond MapReduce. Distributed Algorithm Design.
An Elasticsearch plugin that can be configured to use Weka, Mahout or Apache Spark to generate recommendations.
Recommender systems with collaborative filtering created with Apache Mahout framework. The system uses a Music Recommendation dataset for research purposes as input, but you can train it and predict r...
Spring Boot Starter for using Mahout as a recommendation engine for item-based collaborative filtering.
#计算机科学#Scalable Mahout Docker image with built-in Hadoop works at Docker and Kubernetes
Backend layer for e-commerce platform recommendations using Spring Boot and Apache Mahout
EverAnalyzer is my thesis in the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus. EverAnalyzer is a platform for collecting, preprocessing, processing and analyzing Big Data from the Twitte...
Mahout's XMLInputFormat with support for multiple input and output tags.
Project for CS267 Topics in Database Systems