Offline / Local Search for Docusaurus v2. Try it live at:
Python Library for Static WordPress (Autmated Crawling, Post-Processing and Hosting)
#博客#Hello Astro is a multi purpose Astro starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts.
#区块链#Substrate Developer Hub. Substrate is powered by best in class cryptographic research and comes with peer to peer networking, consensus mechanisms, and much more.
search all opened tabs in a browser popup and see the matching previews using Xapain or Lunrjs engines.
A full flexible Jekyll Theme for GitHub Pages
Python Library to prepare and deploy a static version of a WordPress Installation on Netlify (Static Hosting Service Provider).
Markdown + JS 100% client-side blogs & websites
Yet Another Text Search Engine is a template to help create static sites with Lunr.js search.
Personal web site based on hello-astro template
A template/demo to use google sheet as database to create full text, faceted search website
Welcome to the legacy repository of my personal website! This project showcases my professional portfolio, blog, and contact information. The site is designed to provide an overview of my skills, proj...
TechBazzar is a responsive E Commerce Web Application Built using both Frontend and Backend Technologies
Lunr.js 中文文档。Lunr.js 是个用于浏览器的轻量级 JavaScript 全文搜索引擎。它为文档建立索引,并提供一个简单的搜索界面来检索与文本查询最匹配的文档对于一些小型的博客、开发者文档或 Wiki 网站来说,完全可以通过它实现站内离线搜索。
#博客#Hugo-Static is a static website built with Hugo, designed for posting blogs. It features a robust search capability powered by Lunr.js, allowing users to efficiently search through blog content.
Tesi di laurea in Informatica presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova