Gatsby Business Website Starter
#博客#Fast & Lightweight Zola Theme
An accessible Zola theme with search, multi-language support, optional JavaScript, a perfect Lighthouse score, and comprehensive documentation. Crafted for personal websites and blogs.
Jekyll based framework for minimal exhibitions with IIIF 🐝
Gatsby search plugin via elastic lunr client-side search index.
A partial port of elasticlunr to Rust. Intended to be used for generating compatible search indices.
Reusable utils to build markdown service power by remarkjs and elasticlunr.
Pangsworth Info Butler. At your service anywhere in Madrigal.
Bloom Search proof of concept and comparison.
Built in November 2018. A simple application of Node.js with Elasticlunr.js to demonstrate full text search engine example.
This project is a search engine website built using Express.js and MongoDB to allow users to search fruits on a sample dummy website and all outgoing links connected to it. This search engine makes us...