Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
翻译 - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK供开发人员在设备之间安装和自定义实时通信,并支持将视频,音频安全流传输到Kinesis Video Streams。
Serverless web app for streaming browser webcam feed to Amazon Kinesis Video Streams and Rekognition Video. See our post on the AWS Machine Learning Blog:
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media Interface provides abstract interfaces for board specific media APIs. This repository also contains boards sensors/encoder implementations for Amazon Kinesis Video S...
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams on a Raspberry Pi with AWS IoT
Sample applications as Amazon Kinesis Video Streams consumers
It shows how to use kinesis video streams in order to gather stream data from IoT devices.
AWS Kinesis Video Streams Consumer and Real-Time Video Parser for Python
Public releases of KVstreamer.
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams webrtc sdk ROS implementation with h264 video encoder updated for ROS Noetic
Traffic Guard portal for users
AWS SAM example application which detects faces using Kinesis Video Streams and Rekognition Video
Dockerized Amazon Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC SDK optimized for Raspberry Pi ARM64, enabling easy deployment of real-time video streaming applications.