Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrated....
翻译 - Mongoose OS-物联网固件开发框架。支持的微控制器:ESP32,ESP8266,CC3220,CC3200,STM32F4,STM32L4,STM32F7。集成了Amazon AWS IoT,Microsoft Azure和Google IoT Core。用C或JavaScript编写的代码。
Unofficial curated list of awesome workshops found around in the internet. As we all have been there, finding that workshop that you have just attended shouldn't be hard. The idea is to provide an eas...
翻译 - 非官方策划的互联网上很棒的研讨会列表。就像我们都去过那里一样,发现您刚刚参加的研讨会并不难。这个想法是通过协作的方式提供一个简单的中央存储库。