Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
翻译 - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK供开发人员在设备之间安装和自定义实时通信,并支持将视频,音频安全流传输到Kinesis Video Streams。
WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.
This is not only an HTML5 FLV Player, but also a WebRTC, IM SDK, and FC/NES emulator.
iOS SDK for interfacing with the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Signaling Service.
Android SDK for interfacing with Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Signaling Service.
OvenLiveKit for Web is a JavaScript-based Live Streaming Encoder
You can use this tool, use WebRTC control some devices, but current only unity