JUnit 5 - Java 测试框架
A library that creates fully populated objects for your unit tests.
Experimental JUnit Jupiter Extension for writing integration tests for Maven plugins/Maven extensions/Maven Core
This repository aims to bridge the gap between JUnit 5 and Robolectric, enabling developers to leverage the benefits of both frameworks for unit testing Android applications. While Robolectric current...
JUnit Jupiter `@TempDir` extension based on the in-memory file system Jimfs
A Gradle plugin to pretty-log JUnit Jupiter tests when run from the Gradle test task. Nested tests are grouped together and the output styles is very similar to `mocha.js`
This repository demonstrates how 2 implement Liquibase R2DBC Spring Boot starter. Stack: Liquibase R2DBC Spring Boot starter with next technology stack: Liquibase, R2DBC, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Junit Ju...
Demo Application for my blog posts about Testcontainers integration in Spring Boot tests
JUnitDiff creates a HTML table from multiple JUnit runs. Rows are tests, columns are runs. Clicking the statuses reveals a pop-up with the logs and the stacktrace if any.
This is a java project to learn JUnit testing. https://david-kariuki.github.io/JUnitTestingProject/
REST / Spring Boot / Spring Security / Spring Data JPA / HSQLDB
write test for all layers with JUnit5 AssertJ and Mockito
A lightweight Java library providing flexible test abortion support for test groups to allow fast failures.
Set of JUnit Rules/Extensions to easily load data to test your spring-data elasticsearch-based projects
This application will be a Back-End application that can manage the basic processes in a restaurant.
JUnit 5 extension for testing log statements
Bibernate Framework
In Progress. Complete Guide for Writing Realtime Backend Web Application. It manages booking orders.
spring-boot-test 의 slice test 를 체험할 수 있는 sample application 입니다.