A curated list of awesome Programming Best Practices
📖 All about writing maintainable JavaScript
JavaScript Projects for beginners. Animation card, Analog clock, BMI calculator, Calculator, Countdown, Dynamic Calendar, Music player, Parallax website, Temperature converter, Todo list, Weather app,...
#前端开发#Front-End coding standards
To-Do List Project: A simple project build to add the todo tasks, check as completed and remove the task. This simple web page build using webpack, served by a webpack dev server, and test via Jest fr...
Plantilla PokedexUI. Este es la plantilla que se diseñara desde cero, sin frameworks y la cual reutilizaremos después para hacer consultas a la PokeApi y nutrir está hermosa Landing con todo ese conte...
📘 Anki/flashcards version of the questions and answers. Based on elsewhencode/project-guidelines
This is the practice project that was created to demonstrate javascript arrays for the youtube video -
A full-stack web application for browsing and managing movies and TV series, built using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js (MERN stack).