Remote Command Execution as SYSTEM on Windows IoT Core (releases available for Python2.7 & Python3)
翻译 - 在Windows IoT核心版上以SYSTEM身份远程执行命令
This guidance demonstrates how the OCPP Gateway acts as a proxy between OCPP and MQTT, enabling integration with AWS IoT Core and downstream CPO services built on AWS.
A Weather station made with an ESP32, sending data through Google Cloud IoT Core and storing in BigQuery
Layout engine for monochrome displays. Currently supports SSD1306.
Low-power ESP32-based IoT sensor to detect changes in Hall-effect sensor and send notifications via GCP IoT Core
Windows 10 IoT Core UWP implementation for Raspberry Pi & Dexter BrickPi LEGO MINDSTORMS board
This project contains basic pubsub file. It's used to connect the IOT devices to the AWS IOT Core. The user can publish data to the AWS IoT using a Topic. On the AWS end -the user can subscribe to the...
Tool for enumeration of AWS IoT Core instances
IoT Core and Dashboard using JS, MQTT, React
Demonstration of setting up and using Cloud IoT Core.
A demo IoT Smart Home project for the Google Cloud Plaform and Google Home.
Support material and code for AWS IoT Fleet Hub Lab
Integration of cloud processing and monitoring capabilities to efficiently manage sensor data.
Smart plant based IOT project by connecting DHT11 Temperature Sensor, Soil Moisture sensor and Light Sensor through ESP32 board to AWS IOT core, ThingSpeak and Blynk platforms.
Simple room monitor using Wemos D1 mini and AWS IoT Core over MQTT
MeArm on Raspberry Pi and GHI FEZ Utility Hat running Windows IoT Core
Scripts to onboard esp32 via WiFi/AP mode & Pub/Sub payload via AWS IoT Core MQTT