A cross platform library for interfacing with local and remote Linux IIO devices
Linux kernel variant from Analog Devices; see README.md for details
A software oscilloscope and signal analysis toolset
A GTK+ based oscilloscope application for interfacing with various IIO devices
IIO accelerometer sensor to input device proxy
Python interfaces for ADI hardware with IIO drivers (aka peyote)
IIO AD9361 library for filter design and handling, multi-chip sync, etc.
#安卓#DISCONTINUED (October 2022): the maintenance for this repository has been discontinued. Please refer to https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/st-mems-android-linux-drivers-iio for the up-to-date driv...
M2k firmware for the ADALM-2000 Active Learning Module
🛰️ Using Software Designed Radio to transmit LTE downlink signals at 2.4 GHz
#安卓#stm mems sensors-hal for Android and Linux platforms.
#安卓#stm mems iio drivers for Android and Linux platforms.
REDHAWK FrontEnd Interface for the transceivers AD9361, AD9364, AD9363