The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts.
翻译 - ideosorter 政治测验是一项测试,它根据流程图为您分配意识形态,而不是通过条形或图表的近似值来分配传统方法。
Bad Optics: The Gamified Political Compass! - You know what they say, opposites repel.
#计算机科学#Code and data for the CIKM2021 paper "Learning Ideological Embeddings From Information Cascades"
#自然语言处理#USA political party affiliation and ideology classification from text data using machine learning and natural language processing principles
My M.Sc. thesis. I applied Twitter data mining and social network analysis tools in R in order to study Twitter communication between the members of a presumed ideological bloc called "The Other Serbi...
#自然语言处理#Ideology Detection in the Indian Mass Media