This is an Arduino library for HTU21D, Si7021 and SHT21 Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor
HTU21D full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
Weather Display (7.5in eInk) with an ESP32, indoor sensors, receiving data from
Drivers and home automation projects for Raspberry PI.
An all-in-one ESP8266 based weather station.
Raspberry Tool for managing I2C modules. EEPROM (24c01-1024), PWM LED/Motor driver (PCA9632), I/O driver (PCA9557), Temp/Humid sensor (HDC1080, HTU21D), Fan controller with a PWM (EMC2301), Pressure ...
About This is an Arduino library for HTU2xD, Si70xx and SHT2x Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor
ESP RCM - Room Climate Monitor with ESP8266, HTU21D, Si7021, AM2320
A MagicMirror² module which peridocally calls configured scripts and sends the output as notification
Agent/device-based sensor mesh with a readable UI.
Homekit Compatible Temperature and Humidity Sensor - ESP32 - Arduino
Extended version of a WiFi Cloud Controller based on ESP8266 and Blynk, works with BME280, SHT3x, HTU21, DS18B20 probes for controlling temperature, humidity or both.
Environment control with Wemos D1 mini
Nordic Semiconductor NRF SDK drivers for various IoT peripheral modules such as HTU21D temperature sensor etc.
This is a MicroPython library for the Raspberry Pi Pico and the HTU21D Digital Relative Humidity sensor with Temperature output.