Apple Push Notifications; No Dirigible Required
翻译 - 苹果推送通知;不需要飞船
Website that verbally tells users when they enter or leave a floodplain in Harris County (Houston) Texas.
Get alerts and see trends for Houston's tree pollen, weed pollen, and mold spores.
Distribution of Art events & Science Jobs in Houston, TX. An experiment with found data.
A website that allows the user to assess real estate opportunities in Houston, TX on the neighborhood level, based on their inputs regarding crime, sq-ft, school ratings, acreage, etc.
This project audited OpenStreetMap data for Greater Houston Area and query data using SQL.
A single page with all the sources I use to check river, surf, wind, tide, weather, etc. before paddling
Jupyter Notebook (Python) to generate html report on historic redlining and modern racial composition in Houston for PHW278L final project.
First-geneers is a group of recent graduate students who share their experience through education and their journey to becoming a professional.
An app that shows location for all Houston public art on display
Tools for downloading and transforming Houston's pollen and mold data
A collection of terminal color profiles inspired by the Houston VSCode theme.
Cloud Developer Jhon Arzu-Gil's Portfolio Site