Open Food Facts database, API server and web interface - 🐪🦋 Perl, CSS and JS coders welcome 😊 For helping in Python, see Robotoff or taxonomy-editor
App for providing dietary requirements 🍍 on cute cards in different languages
Metadetabase of 13145 records generated for Allergens with a tabular view of the data. Web interface connected to ease the use, analysis and extraction of data with several added functionalities. Tuto...
Get alerts and see trends for Houston's tree pollen, weed pollen, and mold spores.
#计算机科学#☠️ Full-stack web app that uses AI and ML to analyze and classify images of food in-order to identify common food allergens in them.
Mast cell help: a guide book glossary about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and healthcare.
This QuickApp gives access to real-time and 5-day forecast pollen count and risk category for grass pollen, mold spores, ragweed pollen and tree pollen of any location from
Conceptual modeling project of the semantic web, master's degree in computer science, Turin. Creation of a medical-food ontology, client that queries graphDB and documentation of the whole process.
foodAware Source code
#人脸识别#⭐️A face recognition system that detects people with food allergy or specific dietory restriction⭐️
Pollen studies the relationships between weather conditions and pollen concentration with Bayesian Networks
An Android app dedicated to users with food allergies. Input your allergens, take a photo of an ingredient label, and let the app determine if you can eat that food product. Saves you the hassle of re...
Temporary Homepage for Good2Eat
#博客#"" is a site of mine, serving its purpose as a short about me and an intersection to my other creations. As of now, the project hub is hidden from public view due to future heavy modif...
Food and routine online manual for children with allergies and eczema. View the live website here