🚀 gowatch is a command line tool that builds and (re)starts your go project everytime you save a Go or template file.
Xamarin.Forms XAML hot reload, live reload, live xaml
HotReload Unity C# script without exit play mode and keep the running context unchanged
A UE4 plugin wrapper for Molecular Matter's Live++ Hot-Reloading Library
React like Hooks implementation for Flutter.
💚 A Love2D live reloader with Moonscript support
Nubank app made with xamarin forms
Simulator for multi-robot systems
Wingman is to go, what nodemon is to nodejs, and then some more
This small lib offers you the ability to edit your .env files without the need to restart the process.
Automatic hot reloading webserver using file watcher, websocket and id endpoint
Fastest way to start and develop electron with angular for desktop applications. Bootstrapping includes hot reload, electron services, routing, scss support and typescript for electron.
Hot Reload plugin for Rollup.js
Live hot reloading (CSS/images/JS/HTML etc) in the browser for Django with no dependencies
Java Spring boot hot reload with docker
Rerun your tool or tests or webserver or whatever command on file changes