Enables your consumer driven contracts workflow
翻译 - 启用消费者驱动的合同工作流程
Application to manage Employee Information.
java, spring-boot, spring-tool-suite, maven, restful-api, spring-rest-api-with-security, spring-data-jpa, spring-data-rest, microservices, hal-browser, projections, excerpts, paging-and-sorting,Crud o...
Spring Boot with RESTful Web Services.
Proyecto rest web services con spring boot y actutor para metricas y documentacion auto de ws
REST API built in Spring-Boot with hypermedia-driven support for CRUD calls that generates data for creating randomly-sized squares and circles
HAL Browser with Spring Data Rest | SpringBoot + MySQL
Spring Boot - Rest Repository Resource - Contact Management API - developed to learn to expose apis directly from entities at ease using spring boot rest.
Learn how to create awesome Micro-services and RESTful web-services Spring Boot and AngularJS
Spring Boot application to configure hypermedia api and data rest to make use Hypermedia urls
Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Tutorial