🕸️ Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
翻译 - REST和GraphQL框架来构建现代的API驱动的项目(服务器端和客户端)
🔨 Fast and idiomatic client-driven REST APIs.
翻译 - 使用HTTP / 2 Server Push创建快速且惯用的客户端驱动的REST API
An alternative to REST and GraphQL
DDD+CQRS+EventSourcing+Hypermedia API+ASP.NET Core 3.1+Masstransit+terraform+docker+k8s
翻译 - DDD + CQRS + EventSourcing + Hypermedia API + ASP.NET Core 2.2 + docker + k8s + TDD
GraphQL interface for querying and serving linked data on the Web.
⚛️ REST services accelerator: Rails gem providing an easy, active-record-like interface for http (hypermedia) json services
Reads ALPS documents and produces a full state diagram and hyperlinked documentation.
A framework for creating hypermedia driven APIs in Sinatra
kopflos - Linked Data APIs
hm-admin is an angular2 component which help you to build backoffice automatically for an hypermedia API
This repo is a complement to my Medium article where I show how I approach FastAPI Jinja2 templates as a hypermedia-driven application using HTMX and Tailwind CSS.
DSL for writing Presenters to serialize JSON HAL
Ressources du module Développement API (références, énoncés d'exercices et corrections, démos, etc.)
A Hypermedia API/HATEOAS Client for the Browser
The Hund API v1 RAML specification.