😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some am...
#Awesome#Long list of geospatial tools and resources
Official GeoTools repository
翻译 - Official GeoTools repository
Geo-related tools PHP 7.3+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries
Neo4j Spatial is a library of utilities for Neo4j that faciliates the enabling of spatial operations on data. In particular you can add spatial indexes to already located data, and perform spatial ope...
Grammar of Graphics for Kotlin
Official mago-3d-tiler repository
A component of MapFish for printing templated cartographic maps. This module is the Java serverside module.
坐标边界查询工具:使用jts库从省市区县乡镇边界数据或geojson边界数据文件中查找出和任意点、线、面有相交的矢量边界,提供HTTP API接口,内存占用低,性能优良(1秒可查1万个以上坐标对应的城市信息)
ElasticGeo provides a GeoTools data store that allows geospatial features from an Elasticsearch index to be published via OGC services using GeoServer.
Compute shortest maritime routes between ports
#算法刷题#平面gis算法, planar_algorithm
Spatial analysis tools for Geotools, Geoserver WPS, uDig Statistics Toolbox
GeoTools extension to support 3D operations
import and export shpfile or geojson to postgis by OGC's geotools
B3partners Tailormap (legacy) repository
OGC/GIS functions and extensions for Dremio
👓 Collection of geospatial related web resources and tools aimed to work with geospatial data, such as cartographic tools, geospatial data generation, geospatial data visualization, and muc...