This Immersive Video project includes 2 samples which are based on OMAF and WebRTC streaming frameworks.
An Unreal Engine asset to fix the most common FPS problems in an easy way 🔫
A non-multiplayer field of view changer for various Call of Duty games which also works for online co-op.
2D Field of view calculations for grid-based maps (typically used in top-down adventure/roguelike games). Uses Recursive Shadowcasting!
A fix for several issues with ultrawide/wider displays in Max Payne 3.
Collection of fixing utilities that aim to fix resolution, HUD, FOV and other things in old PC games.
Mod for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Deus Ex: Breach that allows you to change the in-game Field of View on the fly, or set new default FoV values at startup. Supports higher/lower values than the gam...
A Call of Duty 4 X plugin that adds new settings, unlocks essential dvars and adds security options
A Rust translation of the algorithm found here:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - External Cheat
Tool for changing the max fps and fov for mw2 because they did not provide it. Updated 2024