Lean 3's obsolete mathematical components library: please use mathlib4
#计算机科学#LLMs as Copilots for Theorem Proving in Lean
The matrix cookbook, proved in the Lean theorem prover
Template for blueprint-driven formalization projects in Lean.
The Slate Interactive Theorem Prover
Solutions to Imperial College London's Natural Number Game, a gamified formal mathematics course on the Peano axioms using an interactive + automated theorem prover developed by Microsoft Research cal...
rubikcubegroup魔方定理证明+视频分享。discuss here: https://lean4daydayup.zulipchat.com/join/45reytdk5yv7t7sheywhulw3/
Repository hosting resources for the "Lean Tutorial in Vienna" at TU Wien from September 18 to 20, 2024.
A formalization of graded rings in Lean, corresponding to a CICM 2022 submission
Library for formalizing cryptography proofs in Lean 3 (Deprecated)
HLM mathematical library for the Slate interactive theorem prover
Repository hosting the resources for the Lean demo session of my talk presented at the weekly research seminar on CHallenges in ANalysis and GEometry (CHANGE) at the University of Trento on February 1...