该仓库专注于让读者秒懂Flink组件,包含Flink实战代码和文档、200个Flink教程知识点,Flink Datastream、Flink Table、Flink Window、Flink State、Flink Checkpoint、Flink Metrics、Flink Memory、Flink on standalone /yarn/k8s、Flink SQL、Flink CEP、Fli...
A [single|uber|fat] jar standalone Apache Flink connected to PostgreSQL via Ververica CDC connector. Usage Flink SQL to replicate data from PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch/something else.
⚡ 数据集成 | DataLink is a lightweight data integration framework build on top of DataX, Spark and Flink
flink-cdc is fucking god damn it awesome
CDC(Change Data Capture) is made up of two components, the CDD and the CDT. CDD is stand for Change Data Detection and CDT is stand for Change Data Transfer.
Demo for oracle cdc streaming to mongo db using apache flink