Plupload is JavaScript API for building file uploaders. It supports multiple file selection, file filtering, chunked upload, client side image downsizing and when necessary can fallback to alternative...
翻译 - Plupload是用于构建文件上传器的JavaScript API。它支持多种文件选择,文件过滤,分块上传,客户端图像缩小,并且在必要时可以回退到其他运行时,例如Flash和Silverlight。
A super-fast and easy to use command line fuzzy file searcher built with the rust programming language.
💾 A file system utility that can be used with Node.js fs module.
Qt based GUI application that calculates and verifies hash sums for files on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Droptopus allows you to create visual drop targets for files, links, and text, allowing you to process the dragged object via script or copy it to a folder.
A simple JVM library with utilitarian methods for working with text files of any size, including merge sorting and binary search. The library is based on the Java NIO and Kotlin coroutines.
Ruby class and CLI app for moving files to the OSX Trash
OpenFile++ is a simple favorited/bookmarked file opener. Leave running in system tray, press Ctrl+Shift+O to open the window, enter one or more search terms, press enter to open the selected file.
Quick CLI utility to rename academic paper PDFs by their title
A Windows command line tool for fast one way file and directory synchronization
A small batch file creation utility for windows
A collection of small cross platform scripts for various file handling tasks.