📝 File hashing and checking shell extension
ZipCracker是一款由Hx0战队开发的高性能多并发破解工具,专为破解密码保护的Zip文件而设计。它采用CRC32碰撞和字典攻击方式猜测Zip文件的明文或密码,并能成功提取其中的内容。这款工具具备识别"伪加密"Zip文件的能力,并能自动进行修复。因此,它非常适合在CTF比赛中使用。(ZipCracker by Hx0 team is a tool for cracking passwords ...
Rust implementation of CRC(16, 32, 64) with support of various standards
Check hashes for your files - A GUI tool to generate, compare and verify MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Blake3, CRC32 & Adler32 hashes.
ActionScript (AS3) library for processing binary data. This library contains MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 ( SHA-224 и SHA-256 ), Base64, CRC32 algorithms, JSON encoder & decoder as well as PNG and JPEG encoders.
libscrc is a library for calculating CRC3 CRC4 CRC5 CRC6 CRC7 CRC8 CRC10 CRC11 CRC12 CRC15 CRC16 CRC24 CRC30 CRC31 CRC32 CRC64 CRC82
A hands-on book for abusing systems using Rust (WIP) - Open Research