A bot for booking Glastonbury tickets using selenium
翻译 - 一个使用硒预订格拉斯顿伯里门票的机器人
A lunar calendar converter in Python, including 24 solar terms and a number of solar holidays and lunar holidays, mainly from China.
Speech synthesis running on ESP32 based on Flite engine.
QtSpeech is cross-platform library based on Qt to provide common cross-platform API to access and use system TTS (Text-to-Speech) engines on platforms as Windows (SAPI), Mac (SpeechSynthesis) and Linu...
Platform for decentralized, anonymized, self-curated festivals
Autoplayer for Fortnite Festival
Text to speech REST API for multiple TTS engines
Our humble attempts to create a player for live shows that is capable to display images and play video or audio tracks from a single-window control
A free, open source, and simple to use and set-up POS app.
Festapp - mobile app for festivals, conferences or events.
Tyme是一个非常强大的日历工具库,可以看作 Lunar 的升级版,拥有更优的设计和扩展性,支持公历和农历、星座、干支、生肖、节气、法定假日等。
Text-To-Speech Module for MagicMirror²
The first Bangla Text To Speech System for Bangladeshi Bangla (Katha)
🔴 A progressive web app of a retro soundboard. The Shrine comes with "Gude Laune!" and many more legendary sounds. 🔊
Some scripts to quickly communicate with the spotify web api
Eventre is a clean and powerful Bootstrap template dedicated to all kinds of Events, Conferences and Meetups. It offers many various possibilities which will help you easily create a beautiful, stunni...
A website for college festivals