The open source repository for Electricity Maps App and data parsers that enables a real-time visualisation of the CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
翻译 - 实时显示电力消耗的二氧化碳排放量
Integration for Home Assistant to fetch day ahead energy prices from European countries via ENTSO-e Transparency Platform
Transforms electricity spot price into thermostat control signal. Home Assistant custom component.
Simple aio library to download Spanish electricity hourly prices (PVPC) from
Harvard CS109: A predictive model for electricity prices in the midwest, and more specifically, the prices of nodes where nuclear plants are located
Python package to import data from OMIE (Iberian Peninsula's Electricity Market Operator):
Dynamic electricity carbon emission factors and prices for Europe
Home Assistant Component to pull the latest energy prices from Amber Electric
#时序数据库#Predicts the CAISO day-ahead market hourly prices using different forecasting methods including ARIMA and LSTM.
Proposed a mathematical model for optimizing the profits and emissions while setting dynamic prices of electricity. A bilevel & multi-objective model is proposed for maximizing profits of retailer, mi...
ENTSO-e transparency platform API Client built for Deno. Complete. Easy to use. Minimal.
Parses electric utility companies (Cez)
Dynamic Grid Prices for Ecopower
A Geo-Distributed Cloud Simulator.
Allows you to do automation based on the current electricity price
An interactive and up-to-date map for exploring electricity prices in Europe
Dockerized Deno application that gets and caches electricity prices (spot price) from ENTSO-e.
This repo features a deep reinforcement learning Home Energy Management System for cost-effective heating. It optimizes energy consumption using advanced algorithms, outperforming an optimal linear pr...
This project will present an applied and game-like approach to simulating the load growth, investment decisions by two types of generation technologies, demand-price responsiveness, and reliability, o...
Electrical billing for small consumers in Spain using PVPC