Making dwm as beautiful as possible!
翻译 - 使 dwm 尽可能漂亮
An efficient, lean, and asynchronous status feed generator for dwm.
Highly performant and configurable DWM status service
#编辑器#My Unix-like OS's dotfiles...
Gocaudices is a dwmblocks alternative written in GO in less than 100 SLOC using xgb.
PIped STAtus: the ii of status bars! Event loop over N FIFOs, reading line streams and writing into N segments of your status buffer. After a TTL without updates, a segment is blanked-out.
suckless, softwares collection that can be installed with single script...
Status monitors (of system, weather, etc.) for textual status bars (such as barista, pista, etc.)
my arch(btw) linux dotfiles
Modular status bar for dwm written in rust.