#UI框架#CSS framework for dummies, without a single CSS class: nicely renders properly formatted HTML5 pages
翻译 - 没有类的傻瓜CSS框架
#计算机科学#Encode Categorical Features (unmaintained)
Express/Connect middleware for returning dummy reponses
#计算机科学#Telecommunication Company Churn Project
A set of easy to follow instructions and some installation scripts for automated installation and setting up of various scientific computing environments and packages.
Nuevo seminario para introducirse en la plataforma cloud de Microsoft Azure
A Vue.js app with Vuex: a centralized state manager for Vue
Use decision trees to prepare a model on fraud data treating those who have taxable_income <= 30000 as "Risky" and others are "Good" Data Description : Undergrad : person is under graduated or not ...