Dradis Framework: Collaboration and reporting for IT Security teams
翻译 - Dradis Framework:IT安全团队的协作和报告
Dradis API Python Wrapper
Burp Suite plugin for the Dradis Framework
OpenVAS plugin for the Dradis Framework
Dradis Framework extension for Burp Suite
Dradis connector for the Acunetix scanner
Nmap plugin for the Dradis Framework
Metasploit Framework plugin for the Dradis Framework
Nessus plugin for the Dradis Framework
Qualys plugin for the Dradis Framework
Nexpose plugin for the Dradis Framework
Project export / upload plugin for the Dradis Framework
ZAP plugin for the Dradis Framework
Nikto plugin for the Dradis Framework
A simple plugin to import issues from a VulnDB repository in the Dradis Framework.
Brakeman scanner plugin for the Dradis Framework
Dradis connector for the AppSpider (was NTOSpider) scanner
WPScan plugin for the Dradis Framework