A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
翻译 - 用于Ruby on Rails应用程序的静态分析安全漏洞扫描程序
Performing security tests inside your CI
翻译 - 在CI内部执行安全性测试
We would like to request that all contributors please clone a *fresh copy* of this repository since the September 21st maintenance.
翻译 - 安全扫描仪协调员
Frontend to display data from huskyCI analyses
Pronto runner for Brakeman, security vulnerability scanner for RoR
Analyze code statically by using Brakeman in Github actions
Runs Brakeman against a repository's source code to find security vulnerabilities, using GitHub actions.
Run brakeman on pull requests to enforce security best practices
Brakeman scanner plugin for the Dradis Framework
It will add a Git Blame for Brakeman Security Warnings!!!!!
The best way to write a code called as code optimization. The best ways are ruby styleguide, rails styleguide, code reusability, without code duplication, without security vulnerabilities and without ...
Quality control for your Rails application