#IOS#Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
A text view that supports selection and expansion
🇧🇷 Funções de formatação, conversão e validação para valores, documentos e outras unidades usadas no Brasil. Como CEP, CNPJ, CPF, BRL (R$), datas, números etc.
Auto-compounder script for Cosmos Validators using REStake
#IOS#String (and more) validation for iOS
#区块链#Complete source of Bitindi Blockhain
🔥Deep Waters is an easy-to-compose functional validation system for javascript developers 🔥
翻译 - eepDeep Waters是一个易于编写的针对Java开发人员的功能验证系统🔥
The power of Respect Validation on Laravel
Python library of 60+ commonly-used validator functions
Commons and utils in angular for brazillian apps ( pipes / validators / directives / masks )
PHP form validation extracted from HTML forms. Write forms and validation once in the same place!
A powerful example for a hotel reservation system with React.js, Redux, Sagas, TypeScript, Custom Validation, Custom Hooks, and much more...
#安卓#The simplest way to add reactive validation to your app
Coleção de validadores e geradores para documentos oficiais brasileiros, como: Inscrição Estadual, CPF, CNPJ.
#Awesome#Resource of web-based testing and validation tools