Log routing for Docker container logs
翻译 - Docker容器日志的日志路由
A TUI for reading logs from journalctl, file system, Docker and Podman containers, as well Kubernetes pods for quick viewing and filtering with fuzzy find, regex support and coloring the output, writt...
No you don't need a 64GB RAM and ElasticSearch. An all in One - Dependency free (docker, local, remote) Log Viewer in Browser. Written in GO with God Speed.
Example of configuration ELK + Filebeat for docker logs (json format)
A Docker plugin for Papertrail to send and read container logs. As a SolarWinds Innovation Project, this adapter is supported in a best-effort fashion.
Ansible: Server logs optimization
Docker log driver for elasticsearch logging
A docker multilogger as a plugin. Implements jsonlog + splunk loggers.
A Discord bot to help with operations (currently docker logs tools)
Module for reading docker logs for GitHub actions. Includes CLI and program tools.
An adapter for github.com/gliderlabs/logspout to write to Splunk HEC
Real Time Streaming, Searching and Filtering of Docker Logs
Log Docker's host system resource utilization
Rooster 🐓 is a docker log extractor for Azure Web Apps on Linux.
Pre-configured Splunk Enterprise with HTTP Event Collector
This pack contains a set of pre-processing pipelines for sources dedicated to microservices logs. This includes popular engines including Docker, Kubernetes, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
The project is complete and fully functional, serving as a comprehensive learning resource and reference implementation. It can be easily adapted and extended to fit various use cases and requirements...
Fluent-bit image that extracts docker container logs