All my Source Codes (Repos) for Red-Teaming & Pentesting + Blue Teaming
🛠 A collection of light-weight methods and helpers for defensive programming
API input validators with user-friendly error output and TypeScript to ensure you don't miss any properties
DEPRECATED: Tool for checking data leaks of social media platforms
A small framework for defensive development with conditionally compiled assertions and logging tools.
A decorator-based Python contracts/defensive programming library with no dependencies
A Java dynamic proxy factory for interface-typed data transfer objects
complex type validators that generate TypeScript and Flow types for you
A minimal type checking library that I need in various projects for safer programming
Watchdog script to monitor multiple folders using python and multiprocessing.
OpenU Course 20937 Work
Base classes for components that can Bind (as listeners) to various types of events and have all those bindings cleanly/safely unbound, either with an explicit call to Unbind or when the component is ...
Result / Option pseudomonad for TypeScript
Vaccine App with Front-end in Angular and back-end REST API
Criei esse repositório para os meus estudos no curso de teste automatizados na alura,
Defensive programming utilities for Go
Desktop application Using JavaFX, JasperReport, and MYSQL