Save SVGs as PNGs from the browser.
翻译 - 从浏览器将SVG保存为PNG。
Small, efficient encoding of SVG data URIs for CSS, HTML, etc.
A webpack loader which loads SVG file as utf-8 encoded DataUrl string.
Generate Data-URI scheme via terminal or node.js
Upload files as base64 data-uris
A tool that creates preview images.
⚡ Convert your Base64-Encoded Data URI's in `<img>` tags to Amazon S3/CloudFront URL's. A better alternative than embedding images with CID using Nodemailer.
The most standard, most cross-browser, most compact, and fastest possible btoa and atob solution for unicode strings with high code points.
ngWebcam is an AngularJS directive for capturing images from your computer's camera, and delivering then to you as data uri.
🔗 Mini data-uri parser for nodejs and browser. No dependencies!
Generate a Sparkline as an SVG.