💬 Minimal, accessible, ultra lightweight css tooltip library. Just 1kb.
翻译 - 💬最小,可访问的超轻量级CSS工具提示库。仅1kb。
Elegant dependency injection container for vanilla JavaScript and TypeScript
🐎 Provides a clean API for defining javascript animations using requestAnimationFrame
The most standard, most cross-browser, most compact, and fastest possible btoa and atob solution for unicode strings with high code points.
⚡️ 1.8KB full-featured state management inspired by MobX and Solid, batteries included ⚡️
Simple, No Dependences, Mobile Compatibility, IE Compatibility Only 1kb (gzip) = ♥
A no dependence xml parser written in javaScript, only 1kb! Run in node or browser.史上最精简XML解析器,只有1KB,无任何依赖,可运行于Node.js或浏览器环境!
The cross-browser force DOM reflow library that will work in all current browsers and all future browsers.
The ULTIMATE 338-byte super small, simple, light, fast, XMLHttpRequest wrapper.
📅 1KB JavaScript library for generating simple HTML table calendar
500 bytes web app micro-framework with a syntax you already know
A 1kb carousel library that's functional and satisfying to use, just like sandpaper.
Simple & lightweight IndexedDB wrapper for modern browsers.
A small fast library that solves the "Maximum Stack Call Exceeded" error
🌆 The universe in 1024 bytes of JS code (in progress)