Entity and Relation Extraction Based on TensorFlow and BERT. 基于TensorFlow和BERT的管道式实体及关系抽取,2019语言与智能技术竞赛信息抽取任务解决方案。Schema based Knowledge Extraction, SKE 2019
#计算机科学#Goal of this repo is to provide the solutions of all Data Science Competitions(Kaggle, Data Hack, Machine Hack, Driven Data etc...).
翻译 - 此仓库的目标是提供所有数据科学竞赛的解决方案(Kaggle,Data Hack,Machine Hack,Driven Data等)。
#Awesome# AI圈Noah plan-AI数据竞赛Top可复现解决方案(Awesome Top Solution List of Excellent AI Competitions)
Code for http://lic2019.ccf.org.cn/kg 信息抽取。使用基于 BERT 的实体抽取和关系抽取的端到端的联合模型。
Kesci underwater object detection algorithm contest
EDCC: An efficient and accurate algorithm for palmprint recognition.
#计算机科学#🏅 2021 字节跳动安全 AI 挑战赛赛道 7th 基于文本和多模态数据的风险识别(色情导流用户识别)
#计算机科学#Classifying sentences from theses abstracts. Competition from AI-CUP
#计算机科学#(SSCAIT'2019) BetaStar is a StarCraft AI, written by a team at Nanjing University. It is written for StarCraft I. SSCAIT=Student StarCraft AI Tournament.
[fr] Scripts, resources and previous attempts at programming contests
Team sist's winning solutions to Jayways Knattra code competition
Competition entry for the 'Web Design' contest of 'Future Business Leaders of America' for the 2018 season
温湿度传感器传输实验(IoT Competition)
ZStack传感器透明传输(IoT Competition)
The codebase for the McMaster Chem-E Car Team from 2023-2024.