Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Go)
翻译 - 带有渐进式输入(Go)的快速,便携式,非图灵完整表达式评估
Protocol Buffer Validation - Go, Java, Python, and C++ Beta Releases!
gRPC Federation generates a gRPC server by writing a custom option in Protocol Buffers
Graphik is a Backend as a Service implemented as an identity-aware document & graph database with support for gRPC and graphQL
翻译 - An identity-aware document & graph database written in Go with support for gRPC and graphQL
Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Java)
Marvin is a CLI tool that scans a k8s cluster by performing CEL expressions to report potential issues, misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
CEL Playground provides a simple and user-friendly interface to write and quickly evaluate CEL expressions.
Pure Python implementation of the Common Expression Language
cel-js is a Common Expression Language (CEL) evaluator for JavaScript
Protocol Buffer Validation for Python.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Common Expression Language (CEL) related resources. Inspired by awesome lists around the world 🕶️
Enforcing CEL validation rules with protobuf annotations Marketplace API wrapper in PHP