Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way
A simple tool to create framed profile pictures for social media in support of a cause. Dynamically generate a static site based off of the number of frame images provided.
Merge an error with its `cause`
PerCollECT for Lidar Sensors: https://percollect.github.io/LidarLimbs/
The JavaScript framework that looks like CSS
PerCollECT for Radar Sensors: https://percollect.github.io/RadarRami/
PerCollECT for Camera Sensors: https://percollect.github.io/CameraCopse/
While attempting to shrink a volume using diskpart in Windows you receive an error stating: The specified shrink size is too big and will cause the volume to be smaller than the minimum volume size. T...
PerCollECT for Ultrasonic Sensors: https://percollect.github.io/UltrasonicUnderwood/
Repository to hold backend for Lost Heritage project
For JNUC2023 presentation: Attacks and Suspicious Events’ Cause Analysis Workflow
Lost Heritage app is a community-supported forum to track lost or abandoned public buildings around Portugal
Tools to extract, modify, and repack Avalanche Studio game files.
Self contained web pages that does something randomly. Literally randomly. Have Fun