粤语編程語言.The Cantonese programming language.
Rime Cantonese input schema | 粵語拼音輸入方案
收集非普通話漢語和古漢語的中州韻輸入法拼音方案 Collection of phonetic spelling schemas for Sinitic languages and dialects
A free, open-source, offline Cantonese Dictionary for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Qt, SQLite. C++ and Python.
A webapp to visualize relationships among Chinese characters and to see example sentences that illustrate their use. Also available for Japanese learners.
RIME 速成輸入法配置整合 for Windows小狼毫 功能:速成連打、廣東話詞庫、中英混輸、顏文字、Lua腳本
An open-access corpus of conversational bilingual speech in Cantonese and English
fastlangid, the only language identification package that support cantonese (zh-yue), simplified (zh-hans) and traditional chinese (zh-hant)
#自然语言处理#粵文語料篩選器 Cantonese text filter
An audio and transcribed corpus of contemporary Hong Kong Cantonese
#自然语言处理#Dictionary for Cantonese word segmentation
Graduated Interval Recall program
Library for mapping Chinese character to Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanisation, Pingyam (Yale or LSHK)
#网络爬虫#Crawler for Cantonese pronunciation data on LSHK Jyutping Word List (香港語言學學會粵拼詞表)
Generate mockup Hongkonger profile
Fonts for realizing the Honzi-Jyutcitzi mixed script in Hong Kong Cantonese.