#Awesome#🎫 A list of awesome conferences
翻译 - 已弃用:门票:很棒的会议列表
C++ reflection library with Lua binding, and JSON and XML serialisation.
#安卓#An Android app to enjoy event schedules powered by Frab, Pretalx or Wafer.
This project is being developed in parallel with Murat Yücedağ's "Mvc Project Camp" topics.
Camp of Raise of the Soft. Dev. BackEnd Side
#学习与技能提升#The documents used to supplement the implementation of the electronics module for Arty 2015.
A multiplayer post-apocalyptic base-building survival game for up to 8 players in Warcraft III
send an email when the selected bc park campground is available by checking the BCParks reservation system
#前端开发#Webová stránka pro akci HackDays a kybernetický polygon Smíchovské střední průmyslové školy a gymnázia
Yazılım Geliştirici Yetiştirme Kampı süresince verilen ödevler. | Engin Demiroğ
Moving from Weebly, and remaking the site from scratch to be more modern.
Welcome to the Full Stack MEARN Developer Labs repository For ITI Ismailia! This repository contains all the lab assignments and projects completed during my journey in the Information Technology Inst...
sample e-commerce project for hiking and camping
"CampX: Discover and share the best campgrounds across India, where adventure meets community."