#安卓#apk.sh makes reverse engineering Android apps easier, automating some repetitive tasks like pulling, decoding, rebuilding and patching an APK.
#安卓#Powerful android apk editor - aapt/aapt2 independent
Tools for reverse-engineering and description of new TUYA API sign algorithm
📖 从 0 到 1,系统化学习 Android 逆向,让学习变得有趣、好玩、易上手!
[重构中] 从不同版本的 Dex 中推理出预期的(混淆)类 ——柯南能做到吗?
Analyze Android APK files from a browser.
A minimal web app to analyze Android applications with Frida
#安卓#Very simple android native library that will pause the app process when the library is loaded.
🖍 Android AXML binary xml serialization/deserialization library&hacking tool
d4rkc0de Android CTF
In this repo, I document the things I've learnt in Android Security and Android Reverse Engineering.
Currently, the project is being heavily refactored and is therefore in an unusable state. Android RE library for static forward and backward slicing
#安卓#Modified Viafree client for android without ads
#安卓#This repo contains CTF challenges that I've played and their write-ups.