Foldseek enables fast and sensitive comparisons of large structure sets.
Align Tools is just perfect Unity asset plugin to align gui object
⛰ covtobed | Convert the coverage track from a BAM file into a BED file
Mini tool for arranging HTML elements along with ellipse subset shapes
#自然语言处理#🪱 PARASITE || A parallel sentence data preprocessing toolkit. Originally developed as a part of the `en-ru` winner submission of WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task.
Fiji / ImageJ plugin for Imaging Alignment. This plugin manages two types of alignment: Manual Alignment and Automatic Alignment.
snpick is a fast and memory-efficient Rust-based SNP extraction tool designed to handle large genomic alignments with minimal RAM usage and high-speed performance.
STRAC (Scalable Trace Comparison)
MICA-aligner is a new short-read aligner that is optimized in view of MIC's limitation and the extra parallelism inside each MIC core.
Software tools to collect Coronavirus sequences and create protein and nucleotide HMMs
Set of scripts to process HybSeq target enrichment HTS data (on computing grids).
Python code to compute adatper content in reads, kmer content, per-base-GC content (at a specific position in a read alignment, against reference genome), per base NC content (at a specific position i...
Jupiter Bioinformatics (V2) uses the local sequence alignment algorithm and a few stored experiments for further experimentation on sequence alignment. It is an open source application designed in nat...
Showcase of parallelization technologies using sequence alignment algorithms
ProcessM: Real-Time Intelligent Process Mining Software