Orchestrate microservice-based process flows
FlowCore is a Rails engine to help you build your automation or business process application.
翻译 - 用于Rails应用程序的基于工作流网的多用途,可扩展的工作流引擎
Petri Net Workflow Engine for Ruby.
翻译 - Petri Net Workflow Engine for Ruby。
Find deadlocks in Rust code with Petri net model checking
A basic worker pool manager for Erlang to showcase gen_pnet.
A multi-formalism, multi-solution model-checker centered on the language GAL
Next-generation end-to-end low code language based on Petri nets.
A Petri net based automation engine.
[Application][Version 0.4.0][Functional] A timed Petri net and graph event editor and simulator combined to (max,+) algebra with wrapped API for Julia lang
Heuristics Miner in R and integrated with the bupaR framework.
HPetriSim has a graphical editor which provides basic editing and simulation of Petri Nets.