Code that accompanies my blog post outlining five video classification methods in Keras and TensorFlow
Tutorial for video classification/ action recognition using 3D CNN/ CNN+RNN on UCF101
Video classification tools using 3D ResNet
Non-local Neural Networks for Video Classification
To classify video into various classes using keras library with tensorflow as back-end.
Video Classification using 2 stream CNN
Code that accompanies a blog posts on continuous online video classification with TensorFlow, Inception and a Raspberry Pi
Convolutional neural network model for video classification trained on the Kinetics dataset.
Classify UCF101 videos using one frame at a time with a CNN(InceptionV3)
An end-to-end PyTorch framework for image and video classification
翻译 - 用于图像和视频分类的端到端PyTorch框架
video-understanding:Video Classification, Action Recognition, Video Datasets
3D convolutional neural network for video classification
Video classification using CNN and LSTM
Real-time video classification from webcam feed utilizing NLN
Video / Image Annotation (Polygon, Semantic mask, Classification) with Python
Deepfakes Video classification via CNN, LSTM, C3D and triplets [IWBF'20]
Zero-shot video classification by end-to-end training of 3D convolutional neural networks
Make video classification on UCF101 using CNN and RNN based on Pytorch framework.
This is a simple example of video classification using LSTM with MATLAB.