Try .NET provides developers and content authors with tools to create interactive experiences.
翻译 - 试用.NET为开发人员和内容作者提供了创建交互式体验的工具。
Inspect a command's effects before modifying your live system
Learn Django bit by bit in this series
Clone to try a simple Electron app
翻译 - 克隆以尝试简单的Electron应用程序
Python sample project for trying out Dev Containers
a list of 350+ Free TryHackMe rooms to start learning cybersecurity with THM
Node.js sample project for trying out Dev Containers
Master cybersecurity skills with this TryHackMe free path, includes a collection of my write-ups, solutions and progress tracking.
Dead simple CLI tool to try Python packages - It's never been easier! 📦
try two
翻译 - 尝试两个
📦 Quickly try out NPM packages inside a container
翻译 - :package:在容器内快速试用NPM软件包
☁️ Try the demo project of any Android Library
翻译 - :cloud:尝试任何Android库的演示项目
Helping .NET developers port their projects to .NET Core!
翻译 - 帮助.NET开发人员将其项目文件移植到.NET Core!
Try All Our ESP32-CAM Projects »
Don't try this in production
Run Puppeteer code in the cloud
Virtural try-on under arbitrary poses
Try out deep learning models online on Google Colab
Async await wrapper for easy error handling without try-catch
翻译 - 异步等待包装器,可轻松处理错误,而无需尝试捕获
Adds try-catch support for Swift