Read content of a Sogou Pinyin Dictionary File (.scel).
搜狗细胞词库批量下载、转换、生成为linux版本下的`google pinyin`输入法词库。`convert.js`为词库转换脚本,生成的词库为`libgooglepinyin-0.1.2/data/rawdict_utf16_65105_freq.txt`,该词库有`130W`词汇量,如果你要使用该词库,请自行编译并安装`libgooglepinyin-0.1.2`库,因为官方的库不能支持如此...
SlackBuild script for Sogou Pinyin IME
用电脑版搜狗拼音输入法快速输入 A 岛颜文字的方法;探索以颜文字为代表的快捷消息的管理方法论 ( ゚∀。)
🥥 搜狗输入法简洁皮肤 for Mac
A java implemented Pinyin Input method.It is a team project for my natural language processing course which I am the leader.It now uses a pinyin table downloaded at(http://www.datatang.com/data/11858)...
🛵 This Pinyin Analysis plugin is used to do conversion between Chinese characters and Pinyin.
翻译 - 这个拼音分析插件用于在汉字和拼音之间进行转换。
translate chinese hanzi to pinyin
Fcitx 5 Pinyin Dictionary from zh.wikipedia.org
convert sogou input dict ( .scel file ) to mmseg(coreseek) dict
rust-pinyin binding for Node.js
The PinYin engine for IBus
This toolkit was designed for the fast and efficient development of modern machine comprehension models, including both published models and original prototypes.
翻译 - 该工具包旨在快速高效地开发现代机器理解模型,包括已发布的模型和原始原型。
Pure JavaScript library for converting Hanzi to Pinyin.
🇨🇳 基于词库的中文转拼音优质解决方案
🇨🇳 Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel 5 / Lumen
Python异步任务编排框架。支持http,redis和MySQL异步任务,异步文件IO。Python下最快的http server之一。
JSON data for Chinese Pinyin
chinese hanzi to pinyin via node.js